the world’s leading clear aligner

With over 20 years of research and development and 10 million patients treated, no other clear aligner system compares to the efficiency and results of Invisalign.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the high-tech way to straighten your teeth without traditional metal braces. Invisalign can correct a variety of aesthetic and bite issues such as crowding, spacing, rotated teeth, flared teeth, crossbites, overbites, and underbites. Invisalign uses a series of clear, comfortable and removable aligners to gradually straighten your teeth. Each aligner is worn for approximately one week, removing them only to eat, brush, and floss.

As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move little by little until they have straightened to the final position. An average case at the Invisalign Studio is takes about 6 to 8 months, and in some cases even less. Invisalign straightens teeth which leads to not only a more attractive smile, but also improved oral health and overall health and wellness.


What are Invisalign aligners made of?

Invisalign clear aligners are made of flexible plastic — specifically, a patented thermoplastic material called SmartTrack® created exclusively for Invisalign treatment. Invisalign clear aligners are FDA-approved and contain no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten. They are thin, clear, and fit snugly over your teeth, making them virtually invisible.

Why is Invisalign the best aligner system?

Unlike other brands, Invisalign clear aligners are made from patented SmartTrack material, which is more comfortable and provides a superior fit. Invisalign aligners are also custom trimmed based on your gum line for comfort and appearance. As the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, Invisalign has successfully improved over 8 million smiles, including 1.5 million teen smiles.


Health Benefits of Invisalign treatment

Aligned teeth = healthy mouth + body.

Most people seek Invisalign treatment for aesthetic reasons … to enhance their smile. Everyone understands the positive impact a beautiful, confident smile has on personal, social and professional relationships.

However, the benefits of Invisalign treatment go far beyond simply having a more attractive smile. Straightening misaligned teeth not only improves oral health, but also overall health and wellness. The benefits of aligned teeth include:

  • reduced risk of tooth decay, chipping, erosion, sensitivity

  • easier to clean which reduces gum inflammation (gingivitis), bleeding gums

  • reduces risk of gum disease (periodontitis) which has been associated with a number of health conditions, including heart disease and diabetes

  • improved chewing function and ability to properly digest foods

  • straight teeth and a wider dental arch opens the airway, which helps reduce snoring and the risk of sleep apnea



Is Invisalign treatment right for me?

Yes! Invisalign treatment can be a great solution for both adults and teens looking for a discreet method to improve their smile. Invisalign’s technological advancements and innovations make it possible to correct nearly all common aesthetic and bite issues, from simple spacing to complex crowding — all without interrupting your busy life.

Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible — people may not even notice you’re wearing them. You can remove them to eat and drink, to brush and floss, or for special occasions. There are no metal brackets or wires that could irritate your mouth or break, sending you to your doctor for an emergency visit.



How do I get started with Invisalign treatment?

It’s actually pretty simple and you can start the Invisalign process from the comfort of your home. Start the virtual consultation by submitting some selfies and some basic information, and receive an Invisalign treatment estimate within 24 hours. Next, if you want to speak with Dr. Kralj regarding your proposed treatment set up a video appointment. Finally, schedule a digital scan in our office to get your aligners manufactured.

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Invisalign “Made to Move” stories

Hear people talk about their journey to a more confident smile.